Location: H-Town, Nebraska

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Day 7!

So... I skipped Day 6 on accident. I was watching One Tree Hill on DVD and lost track of time. Not to mention a horrendous paper I had to write.

Today is the seventh day. One week down. Four to go. Wowsa.

I woke up today and had some cherry/apple juice, then water while watching OTH. I made some chamomile tea with honey, had some kiwi strawberry apple juice, and more water for the rest of the day. I had even more chamomile tea later from a friend.

I'm thinking about going home and juicing some mixed fruits together.

Man do I EVER miss food! It's really hard when I watch commercials or something similar all about food. I think it's psychological, but it's REALLY hard to say no sometimes.



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