Location: H-Town, Nebraska

Friday, February 23, 2007

Day 3: Damned Pointy-toed Shoes!

I had this brilliant idea this morning. I didn't have much time to get ready and I decided that the simplest thing to wear would be this new dress I had bought. Along with that came the fabulous pointy-toed shoes. And man did my feet ever hurt by the time I got done with work.

My life is chaotic. I'm beginning to realize that now. I'm starting to look at it and wondering what I'm going to scale back on. I know that I can't keep going at the rate I'm going. I'll eventually drive myself mad (if I'm not already there). Going from 9-5 straight around people made me want to go home and shut down. My cousins, sister, and I went to a movie at 9:40 and even that I could barely convince myself to get up for. I would probably have much rather just stayed hidden in my room. Not that those girls aren't fun, because they're a blast to be around, but I'm growing more tired of people. Especially at this point where I'm beginning to realize that a lot of faith I've instilled into people was misplaced and a lot of relationships that I poured a lot of love into weren't worth it at all.

Anyway. The Fast. I had orange juice mixed in with white grape juice. About 24 ounces, with 3/4 being white grape and the rest orange. I do love the orange juice despite warnings not to drink it! After that I managed to down 48 ounces of water. At five, I came home and used the juicer to make some juice concoction called "Taste of Heaven." It was sure a taste of something all right. I think where I went wrong on the adventure was in the fact that the recipe called for spanish onions and I used white. Yick. Very strong. Also included was one sweet potato, 2 carrots, and 2 apples. It didn't actually taste half bad in retrospect. It was pleasantly sweet at first, but then the aftertaste got to me. It went from being sweet to suddenly being able to taste the carrots and finally onion. Man did it make my stomach upset. I mixed it with some apple/cherry juice that we had, but still couldn't manage to get much of it down. I had some beef broth again, which is a habit that I need to shake. All that salt cannot be good for me at this point!

I made some apple cinnamon tea with honey for the road as we headed to go watch the movie. I was dreading the theatre. I'm a sucker for popcorn (AND for chinese food, which my sis and cous teased me earlier with by eating it in front of me. Grrr) and was worried that I wouldn't be able to resist! But, I did it! AND I managed to convince myself not to cheat in regards to drinking pop and went for the iced tea. Bonus!

I'm drinking some more water now. My stomach is sorta upset (it has a slight burning sensation) but I can't tell if it's because it's hungry or if it's upset at this point. All the better, I suppose.

72 hours down. Only 37 more days to go!


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