Location: H-Town, Nebraska

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Day 5: A whole slew of nonsense

The older I grow (and I'm talking by the hour here) the more I become fully aware that I just don't fit in with my peers anymore. It's like this uncomfortable growth period that you have where you look around and discover you're the tallest kid in your class or, heaven forbid, you're the only girl with boobs. I'm sure it will go away and this is only another way to isolate myself... but ugh! The good news is the friend that I was so sad about not being friends with is now my friend again. YAY!

So today I had a lot of the white grape juice with peach. It was REALLY good. I think it was because I've been staring at my Grandmother's canned peaches and thinking "YUMMY" and this juice tasted like them. So I drank a lot of it.

I also had some herbal orange tea (times 2!) and a lot of water.

Someday I'm going to try to work back in the vegetables. I think the problem with the carrots is that I don't like the really big ones in solid form. I'll try the baby carrot juice next!

I'm a little tired, but am WAY more devoted to One Tree Hill. A coupla more episodes and I think I'll hit the hay!


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